
Data we need from you

In order to create actionable insights, we need to process your sales history by individual transactions. Our algorithms analyse data from each business day and each customer purchase.

You will need to provide:

  • INDIVIDUAL ORDER ROWS – Including the date of purchase, customer IDs, product IDs and total amount.

  • CUSTOMER LIST – Customer ID and name (to be shown on the reports).

  • PRODUCT LIST – Product ID and name. If you have many products, you will also need to provide the relevant product group hierarchy.

  • STAFF LIST – ID and name of sales representatives, including details of account managers who are assigned to and responsible for individual customers.

    If you work with multiple currencies, remember to show amounts in the reporting currency. By default we report in EUR but if you have another currency preference, please let us know.

Although we can accommodate various data sets in different formats, we prefer a standardised data set. Please check the specification.

Extract the data from your database, ERP or CRM system in .csv or .json format. Alternatively, ask your IT specialist. Experience shows data extraction usually takes only a few hours for you, the client.

You can download the detailed Platform Data Interface specification.

Hint: Let the script used to extract the data run every night. Your insights will be updated daily.


If you have any questions, please contact our support team…

We offer custom implementations and our experienced Professional Services team can work with data of any size or complexity.

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